Mohan has a Master’s Degree in Social Work. He has more than 30 Years of experience in the Social Development Sector. He is one of the Founder members and currently the Chief Executive Officer of Vikas Sahyog Pratishthan, an organization working on Sustainable Development.
Governance Role with Registered Organizations:  Unnati Institute for Social and Educational Change  YUVA, Mumbai  Yuva Rural Association, Nagpur
Leadership Role with Registered Cooperatives – President of Credit Co-op. Ltd. For 7 years – Chief Promoter and then President of Housing Co.-Op.-Soc. For 11 years
Expertise sharing with Grassroots NGOs through Trainings and Consultancies Organizational – Development: Understanding of psychodynamic processes within organizations, Systems, and structures for transparency and accountability, legal and financial compliances. – Leadership: Communication and presentation skills, team management. – Strategic Planning: Planning on developmental issues, Considering SWOT of organizations.